I can’t tell you how often this happens. A client wants to contract us out for a project, they’re building a new strategic initiative to support a business unit, or roll out a new revenue generating product – the objective of our work is to define a strategic path...
CI? Yes, competitive intelligence. In today’s rapidly changing marketplace it is pivotal that any new start up keep an eye on the competition. What are they doing that we’re not? What’s their comparative value proposition? Who is their target customer, and who...
Why Vice Presidents of Digital Product Need to Start Embracing Machine Learning Today It used to be that you had to program a computer to do certain things. Since the late 1990’s, there’s been a number of advances in digitization and cheap computing power....
The amount of capital funneled into Research and Development (R&D) by U.S. based tech companies is simply staggering. Amazon takes the cake with a reportedly $13.3 billion annual spending on R&D—and while big, Amazon is only one company—so aggregate the total...
Without doubt you’ve got your business idea and you think that it’s the hottest thing since sliced bread. You’re already envisioning yourself on the cover of Time and The Economist. Then the paranoia starts taking over, and you start thinking that...
Everything you do should create value. When deciding to venture down the road of entrepreneurship, many people will tell you that you need to define a problem, attack the problem, and of course provide a solution in order to develop a viable product. Some, or really...